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  How to calculate the steps needed for a motor to rotate a circular object in a pulley configuration?

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I have a stepper motor with 200 steps per revolution and a pulleys configuration as following: 3 pulleys with 100 mm diameter each on 1184 mm PCD and are equally spaced (120 degrees) from each other. A large ring with a diameter of 1074 mm is placed on the center on the pulleys configuration (center of ring to center of each pulley is 592 mm). A belt of 3626.5 mm length and 30 mm width is positioned around the pulleys and contacts the ring. The motor is installed vertically on the bottom of one of the pulleys (concentric on the same axis). I want to know how many steps it takes for the motor in order to have a full revolution on the large ring.

Closed as per community consensus as the post is low-level
asked May 18, 2015 in Closed Questions by Pulley [ revision history ]
recategorized May 18, 2015 by dimension10

Hi Pulley,

PhysicsOverflow is a graduate-level upward physics site, but this seems to be a basic school physics question.

I am therefore voting to close.

A better place to ask this might for example be Quora or PhysicsForums.

Hi Dilaton,

Apologies; this is my first time visiting this site and didn't pay full attention to the aim of it.

Nonetheless, appreciating your recommendations.


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