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  photon decay in crystals diffusion

+ 1 like - 0 dislike

I'm looking for references about photons in crystals, particularly

  • experiments on decay in diffusion, possibly with public data.
  • their quantum analyses and computation models.

I have a classical model: a photon goes through n potential barriers of height h, where n is bounded by a function depending on the crystal elementary alignment and h is the barriers common height, 2 emergent variables that are not directly measurable. Moreover, their analytical computation, from less emergent variables, needs unwanted assumptions and serious simplifications. Finally, the model allows only to compute quickly n and h to fit the remaining data with the newly predicted curve. Any better solution that can be applied numerically interests me.


asked Oct 6, 2018 in Recommendations by igael (360 points) [ revision history ]

1 Answer

+ 0 like - 0 dislike

a relevant article on PhysRevLett :

Tunable Tsallis Distributions in Dissipative Optical Lattices

by Douglas, Bergamini & Renzoni

We demonstrated experimentally that the momentum distribution of cold atoms in dissipative optical lattices is a Tsallis distribution. The parameters of the distribution can be continuously varied by changing the parameters of the optical potential. In particular, by changing the depth of the optical lattice, it is possible to change the momentum distribution from Gaussian, at deep potentials, to a power-law tail distribution at shallow optical potentials.

answered Oct 14, 2018 by igael (360 points) [ no revision ]

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