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  Evidence of gravitational waves, or evidence of confirmation bias?

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Referee this paper: ( 800) 729 - 4445 by Michael Mozina

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On February 11th 2016 the LIGO Scientific Collaboration announced the discovery of gravitational waves. Their announcement has been met with a great deal of excitement and enthusiasm by the scientific community. However, a careful and detailed analysis of the published papers, and other internal LIGO documents, reveal critical scientific methodology problems and unresolved questions surrounding the published materials which tend to undermine the veracity of the discovery claim and which could suggest a pattern of confirmation bias. For instance, the sigma calculation that is provided by LIGO does not provide any statistical assessment as to the likelihood that gravitational waves are the specific source of this signal. The published papers report that no data quality vetoes were active within an hour of the signal, but this account of events conflicts with other internal LIGO documents. The wave form, frequency range and duration of GW150914 are remarkably similar to common blip transient events which are routinely observed by both LIGO detectors. The exclusion of a blip transient as the probable cause of GW150914 is based upon a questionable assumption when considering the significant sensitivity upgrades that had just been completed prior to engineering run eight (ER8). The lack of any visual or neutrino confirmation of a celestial event at the time of the signal offers the LIGO Scientific Collaboration a viable elimination method related to their own gravitational wave claims which must be implemented in this case and all future claims of gravitational wave discovery to avoid any possibility of confirmation bias.

requested May 12, 2017 by Dilaton (6240 points)
summarized by Dilaton
paper authored May 11, 2017 to cosmology by Michael Mozina
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    recategorized May 12, 2017 by Dilaton

    There is a recent publication on a new observation  on august 2017. It was also picked up by Virgo : GW170814 , A three-detector observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole coalescence (Ligo pdf). From the abstract : The signal was observed with a three-detector network matched-filter signal-to-noise ratio of 18... For the first time, we can test the nature of gravitational wave polarizations from the antenna response of the LIGO-Virgo network, thus enabling a new class of phenomenological tests of gravity...

    The detection of the gravitational waves produced by the merger of two neutron stars –GW170817– has allowed scientists to fix at 70 km/s per megaparsec * the value of the increase in speed of the expansion of the universe in the 130 million light years that separate us from the origin of said merger.
    As these calculations approach the speed of light throughout the age of the universe, we can do the inverse calculation to determine the average increase in the velocity of expansion so that the observable universe is of the age stated by the Big Bang Theory.
    The result is 300.000 km/s /(13.799/3,26) Mpc =70,820 km/s Mpc. https://molwick.com/en/gravitation/072-gravitational-waves.html#big-bang

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