The following image serves to aid the reader in understanding the "privileged character" of $3+1$-spacetime.

The wikipedia article on spacetime, and the sub-article "The priveleged character of $3+1$-dimensional spacetime" in particular, made me think a bit about the possibility that we might live in a non-integer amount of spatial and/or time dimensions.
The notion of attaching a non-negative real number to a metric space has at least mathematically already been described by such concepts as "Hausdorff Dimension" and "Minkowski-Bouligand Dimension".
This may sound silly/ignorant/absurd to professional practicing theoretical physicists. To me (a layman), however, it doesn't sound much stranger than the idea of wrapping up six extra dimensions (which is, from what I understand, considered to be a serious possibility by those who study $10$-dimensional String Theory) into intricate shapes called "Calabi-Yau Manifolds".
Has any research on $(a +b)$-dimensional spacetime (where $a,b \in \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0} $) ever been done? If so, what where the findings? If not, why not?
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-03-22 17:32 (UCT), posted by SE-user Max Muller