Let $(M,g)$ be a riemannian manifold with a vector field $X$. Over the manifold ${\bf R}.M$, I consider the metric:
$$g_X=g+ X^* \otimes X^* + dt \otimes X^*+ X^* \otimes dt + dt \otimes dt$$
Then, the Ricci curvature decomposes following $M$:
$$Ric(g_X)=Ric_M (g_X)+ \tilde Ric (g_X)$$
I consider the Ricci flow:
$$\frac{\partial g}{\partial t}=-2Ric_M (g_X)$$
We can take:
$$\frac{\partial X}{\partial t}= dr^*$$
With $r$, the scalar curvature.
Have we solutions of the Ricci flow for short time?