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  Max planck's paper on natural units

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I'm looking for a translated version of the paper written by max planck in which he introduced the natural unit system. If this is not possible , I will be satisfied with a reference which describes his ideas. 

Many thanks 

asked Feb 11, 2018 in Resources and References by anonymous [ no revision ]

I just would like to say that, in my opinion, there is nothing "natural" in Plank units. Plank combined some constants including the Newton gravity constant $G$ in order to obtain some system of units. But at his time there were other forces available with their own constants, , for example, electric and magnetic ones; then why not use them instead of $G$? In addition, in the future there have been discovered some other forces with new constants unknown to M. Plank at at his early time. It means that his "natural" system of units misses essential physical phenomena and thus cannot be called "natural". No wonder these units correspond to nothing physically observed. But, never mind.

@VladimitKalitvianski please try to exercise a minimum of intellectual discipline. I gather you indulge in the persona of the lone wolf outsmarting the establishment, and that may be interesting to watch, if done well, and may provide food for thought for others. But comments like the one above just show off confusion of elementary terms. If you don't concentrate to a minimum before writing a comment, it neither serves your own cause nor, worse, that of this poor forum, which happens to have moderators too polite to take the evident steps that have already banned you from other places.

@UrsSchreiber: Please do not concentrate on my person; better provide the necessary references and, if you have any, some arguments why the Plank's system of units is so "natural" that you want me to be banned.

@UrsSchreiber: if "-1" is your knowledgeable answer to my comment, then it is too few for this noble site. Banning and downviting is not doing physics.

Dear all I know that you are kind people, be patient please ... I asked someone to find the paper in english and after 2 days of intensive search and calls to libraries and academias, he didn't found it. At the opposite , the next Planck papers are ready in many versions.

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