Graphene (2010 Nobel prize in physics) is an interesting material:
1) It has emergent Dirac fermion from the low energy behavior of collective electrons in graphene,
2) It also has a half-integer $\sigma_{xy}=1/2+n$ quantum Hall effect.
Up to a multiple factor of spin and valley degeneracy ($2 \times 2$).
My question concerns what are the further new physics and applications for the bilayer graphene system?
Two famous References I know are:
K. Lee, B. Fallahazad, J. Xue, D. C. Dillen, K. Kim, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, and E. Tutuc, “Chemical potential and quantum Hall ferromagnetism in bilayer graphene,” Science 345, 58 (2014), arXiv:1401.0659.
P. Maher et al., “Tunable fractional quantum Hall phases in bilayer graphene,” Science 345, 61 (2014), arXiv:1403.2112.
Can someone organize some lists of interesting physics for bi-layer graphene and explain what are the mechanism behind?