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  Moderator elections (2015) - nomination and discussion

+ 3 like - 0 dislike

PhysicsOverflow is holding its second moderator election (2015).

The nomination phase is between 2015-04-04 and 2015-04-10. During this phase, any user may nominate any other user for the moderator position. The precise moderator permissions are detailed in the FAQ. Mind that for the candidate to pass to the voting phase (beginning 2015-04-11 and ending 2015-04-17), they must have at least 500 reputation points (no other requirement).

Please note that:

  • Votes here are inconsequential. This is the nomination phase, the voting phase will begin 2015-04-11.
  • Even upon the closure of this thread and the commencement of the voting phase, discussion about candidates is to be done here.
  • Any discussion about candidates on the site will be moved here.

Please remember that the nomination phase begins on 2015-04-04 1230 (GMT). Nominations before this time will be temporarily hidden until the commencement of the nomination phase. Until then, please comment on the text of this post, to improve it if necessary.

Closed by author request
asked Apr 4, 2015 in Public Official Posts by dimension10 (1,985 points) [ revision history ]
closed Apr 10, 2015 by author request

How many moderators are to be elected?

[see How many "full-time" moderators will be elected 2015?]

@ArnoldNeumaier as we have only Dimension10 as a moderator at present, I personally think we should elect 2-3 addtional moderators at least. The number of moderators to be elected in these elections has until now not been officially settled, as far as I know (?)...

Is acceptance for the nomination a precondition for being eligible in the voting phase, or only for the result of the election taking effect? 

@ArnoldNeumaier Acceptance is after the voting.

11 Answers

+ 0 like - 1 dislike
answered Apr 7, 2015 by physicsnewbie (-20 points) [ revision history ]

I think it's better, if in this election, we only choose candidates who are actually active on PhysicsOverflow, rather than those who've never participated. Also, joshphysics didn't give too positive a response when Dilaton invited him here to participate.

@Physicsnewbie a year ago I personally invited Joshua to PO, but he was not interested. Unfortunately I dont expect this to have changed by now, as he has still not regained his account.

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